Does anyone believe in the superstition of Full Moons causing labor? a couple of family members think I'm gonna go into labor this Monday on the full moon. What are your opinions?
Yea I get you.... I don't think I really have any symptoms plus I haven't dilated yet 😒 I'm only 80% thinned out. So I doubt too that I'll go into labor tomorrow too lol.
I know, few more days! So excited.
@lizbeth9000, omg let me know how it goes for you! I'm excited to see if I truly will go into labor. I've got very mild prelabor symptoms but nothing crazy so it makes me doubt I'll go into labor on monday. either way, our due dates are just around the corner!!!!
Yeah. I remember everyone telling me the same thing about the full moon & i just figured they were full of shit but sure enough i proved them all right. lol. Good luck mama. i hope it happens for you 😀
@jemmoool, wow that's insane! I've never heard of this until my husband told me yesterday. he said he saw on a cops show that cops say working on a full moon definitely gets hectic. we will see if it comes true for either of us. you will have to give me an update on your progress
@nichole_lynn, OMG!!! this makes me excited! how far along were you? im just wondering if 38 weeks is too early for me .not keeping my hopes up but still would be nice and one could hope!
Not sure...I'm kind of in between only cause I haven't known anyone to go into labor on a full moon...not yet anyway...if it's true then I'd be happy because I'm ready to meet my baby lol....But as a nurse working on full moon is definitely gets pretty crazy lol
I do! my husbands grandmother called me on the night I went into labor and said "its a full moon" baby is going to make an apperence and sure as shit I went into full blown labor and had him the next night.
I know, few more days! So excited.