So I've been stressing more than I should lately. I have a C-Section scheduled for March 15th. That is 4 days before my due date. This is my second baby. I haven't been through a planned section before, and I'm just worried that I can't keep her in that long. My last pregnancy ended in an unplanned C-Section. Which means she tried to come on her own. What if this baby tries to come earlier than planned? We planned this way so that it would work around my parents vacation so they could watch our 3yr old. They will be gone for a week for their 25th wedding anniversary. What if she tries to come while they are gone? And even if she doesn't try to come earlier than planned I've only had one C-Section. Idk how recovery will be after a repeat one. My husband has no clue I worry bout all of this and I don't want him to. I guess I'm just scared. It's getting so close and I'm worried. With things she will need we're set so that is at least one thing not to worry bout but that is just something small to not worry bout. My worries are bigger and are stressing me out and scaring me. Things rarely go as planned for me and I don't want this to be something that doesn't go as planned. Plus I have to worry bout maternity leave. I'm a part time worker who barely gets any hrs. Idk what I'm gonna do. I feel like I'm gonna break.

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With my husband he will be at work till the day she is born then is taking 2 weeks off. If she comes early all he has to do is call them or email them bout it and they will tell him "See u in 2 weeks" They are rly cool bout it since almost everyone that works there is a parent themselves.
19.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
we are kinda in the same fix my planed c-section is March 17th my mom is taking the 16th-19th off and my hubby is taking the 17th-21st off and I'm having a lot of pains and I get more and more everyday.. my first was an emergency c-section at 41weeks after being induced at 40weeks6days...
19.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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