Hello mommies, this may be kinda long so bear with me!
A month ago I switched from the merina to the pill. I started the pill the same day I got the merina taken out! I told my SO he needed to be careful till my body adjusted too the pill, well here it is a month later and I as supposed to start my period Sunday, I have yet to start, no signs of starting, my question is could I be pregnant, I don't have any symptoms of that either! Last week I felt nauseous and took a test and it was negative!!! Advice please and thank you!

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Thank you; I think I'll get a test to ease my mind
17.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
it could also be adverse affects to switching. you could miss a period due to the switch and not be pregnant. i switched from patch to depo and lost my period for 2 years i was on the shot and 2 years after i got off.. scary stuff.
17.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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