have any mummies been induced ? im a first time biological mummy (i have two step children who live with me and oh) and im being induced on monday but nobody at the hospital will tell me anything! whether they will start with pessarys ( i know it varies person to person) ive also been told i cant eat while im being induced? how on earth do they expect me to have the strength for labour if i cant even have a snack😢and im getting very nervous😁xxx

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@chezz, ooh really? i suppose in a good way i have nothing to compare it to as its my first xx
17.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@leanne2016, haha i wont go over the top😂xxx
17.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
i was induced and when i spoke to a midwive the other day as i had a scare they said the pain is more intense xx
17.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
hahaha not top much thoe hahaha @elouu1993
17.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@leanne2016, ahh no way, i love food at the minute i might have to get my partner to sneak me things in😂xxx
17.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
lool @elouu1993 well they say I shouldn't because of baby pooing in side u but I had a sneaky ham burger from mc ds when I was in labour sorry my mum and aunt came in stuffing there faces with it all how could I not resist he pooed on his way out so it wasn't that bad after all
17.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@polisha0311, see my hospital suck, they havent even told me how they will start it! xxx
17.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@leanne2016, was you allowed to eat? sorry for the random questions😂xx
17.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was rushed down for an induction with my little boy on the Sunday 24th jan was due for an induction on the Friday 29th jan they broke my waters realised my little boy had pooped inside of me so they wouldn't let my body contract on it's own so they gave me the hormone drip straight after I was also monitored throughout all my labour because he was stressed also his heart rate went up I had a urine infection and extremely high temperature constant puking and put on antibiotics through my drip and I wasn't allowed to eat nothing I was in labour for 17 hours and an hour pushing without eating nothing. I went for a couple of hours on just gas and air then gave in as I had no breathing space between my contractions and got an epidural absolutely no shame because being induced is completely different to going into labour naturally your body is forced into something is not ready yet to do I was 8 days over and had my little boy on the 25th Jan at 13:33. i tore quite a bit down below had quite a lot of stitches but everything was ok in the end my little man is healthy big boy at 9lbs 1oz. I stayed 2 nights however I had bladder damage and had to go back in for couple nights xx
17.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@polisha0311, @elouu1993
17.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was induced with last pregnancy I was in hospital a week before they induce me as I had a urine infection they started me off with a tablet than another tablet to soften the cervix and thank couple hrs after they popped my waters with a sewing niddle it's white with a Lil edge at the front did hurt at all.... than all I felt was all this water down my leg hahaha it's not painful at all but mind u I was on gas an air the night before
17.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm being induced ,wasn't told not to eat or anything like that ... They gonna start with a membrane sweep xx @elouu1993
17.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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