Sick to my stomach right now. My youngest sons "sperm donor", cuz he sure as hell ain't a dad, is now all of a sudden taking me to court to try and get custody of MY son he wanted nothing to do with. Told me to F off when I was 2 months pregnant. Now all of a sudden he wants something to do with him about a year later? Like really? I was pregnant alone, gave birth alone, gone 3 months of this beautiful baby boys life alone and now you want something to do with him!?! This guys nuts to think he's going to get between momma bear and her baby... Men, or should I say boys... Need to get a grip on reality.

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Oh I know that but it's all stressful as hell. And stupid they think they can just come and go as they please.
17.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
That's crazy and so are men when be and my BF broke up for a sort while I told him I did not want him to have our daughter when we broke up because he would leave her with his mom and not be home she wake up with her and take care of her I was all like no not going to happen long story short he ended coming back and his mom has been trying to take the baby from him now he understands why I always tell him his mom is no good....And in he brings you to court they most of the time favor the mom unless the moms unfit
17.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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