How long after your missed period did you wait to test?
Especially if you were already experiencing some symptoms that could be early pregnancy related 3 days before your due to start your period!?!
@babylove15, I got a blood test as soon as it came back and they said I was four weeks! So I was super early I must have been three weeks when I got my positive. Guess my urine was weirdly strong with hcg or something hahah
I was taking test all the time because I knew something was different! I finally got my positive 20 days after I conceived. I suggest waiting until you miss your period because the money racks up on those things!
Even though we were trying I didn't think I was pregnant cuz I thought the first thing u noticed was a sore chest but I didn't have that. I took a test on Day 1 being late. The day before I gagged with my leftover pizza which was my fav so I did think that was weird. Lol.
@wynbird, That gives me hope.... I really wanna test now. But I also think it might be better to wait it out and see if it comes. How did you know you were? What were your symptoms?
I missed my period for 3 months and I thought it was because the birth control I went threw 37 at home test and the last two where fainted so I went to the er to confirm it
Thy make the 5 days sooner tests! However I took a test 3 days before my missed period and it was neg. after it was 2 days late I got a very faint positive.
I took a pregnancy test legitimately every other day for a month hahah I knew something was up. I got my positive 4 days before my missed period. Super dark lines too
But now that we are trying I'm almost anxious to test, but don't wanna waste the money! But I'm already exhausted, bloated, and nauseas. 3 days before my expected period!
Lol with my first I didn't even think about it until my friend said she thought she might be pregnant.... Then I started doing the math and was a week late and ungodly tired! Turns out I was expecting! @hermommy