I need some advice .. Okay I have a three week old baby with my boyfriend. Last night he was supposed to do something and come home , well he ended up not coming home till five in the morning .. No one knew where he was , not even his friends . He wakes up this morning screaming and cursing at me that it's none of my business where he was last night .. My boyfriend doesn't have job and doesn't hardly help me with my son but I try so hard to work things out so that my son has both his parents . All we do is fight.. I just don't know if I should just call it quits or keep trying ?

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What she said ^^^^ I've been through the same..
20.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@bry_mommy then he needs to leave. respect is key. you are the mother of his child... he needs to get a job and learn how to be a man. PERIOD.
16.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@kiara_lovingmyfamily, no offense taken ! I need other people's opinions.. I have tried and tried working things out. I'm just so tired of putting my all in when he gives me nothing in return except for yelling. He does whatever he wants when he wants.. But I'm not allowed to get mad when I ask him for help and he tells me no..
16.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
if he was your husband I'd say make it work. since he's just a boyfriend acting that way he can get out of your house since he doesn't want to work or let alone keep his word. you don't have to put up with such a young minded boy... but that's just my opinion. no offense.
16.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
It is your business where he was at ! Not cool at all ! Talk to him & ask him what is it that he really want.
16.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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