ika's & aven's mommy♡
ika's & aven's mommy♡
Today I have a hard decision to make. As many of you know, I have had trouble producing breast milk. sure, Aven eats well and is gaining weight but pumping and saving (so I can work) has been a nightmare. I produce MAYBE 1oz per pump session. 2oz on a good day. Baby now eats almost 6oz per feeding. Thats 5 to 6 pumping sessions for ONE FEEDING. Today daddy used the last of our freezer stash. And I know that it's gonna take me awhile to stock up again. add to it, some days I'm not home to pump! and when i am home, I have a 3 year old. a house to clean. laundry. dishes. ect. its difficult to find quiet time to pump. So I'm faced with not going to work or finding an alternative. (which would be formula.) I didn't get to breastfeed my daughter. so breastfeeding my son is important to me. I'm SOOO bonded with this boy. and I'm afraid that we will lose that bond if I switch him over to formula. plus who doesn't want to breastfeed their baby?! I'm torn. And I don't have a lot of time to figure it out. super bummed.

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Have you tried mothers milk tea to increase your milk production?
15.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Skin to skin is your best friend as far as keeping the bond, if you do switch!
I can't seem to find the time to pump so I don't, but I should. Because I'm going to have to go back to work soon.
Is there any way you can work part time? That is a lot easier to do than full time. Because baby can go a few hours and be fine.
14.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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