Today I have a hard decision to make. As many of you know, I have had trouble producing breast milk. sure, Aven eats well and is gaining weight but pumping and saving (so I can work) has been a nightmare. I produce MAYBE 1oz per pump session. 2oz on a good day. Baby now eats almost 6oz per feeding. Thats 5 to 6 pumping sessions for ONE FEEDING. Today daddy used the last of our freezer stash. And I know that it's gonna take me awhile to stock up again. add to it, some days I'm not home to pump! and when i am home, I have a 3 year old. a house to clean. laundry. dishes. ect. its difficult to find quiet time to pump. So I'm faced with not going to work or finding an alternative. (which would be formula.) I didn't get to breastfeed my daughter. so breastfeeding my son is important to me. I'm SOOO bonded with this boy. and I'm afraid that we will lose that bond if I switch him over to formula. plus who doesn't want to breastfeed their baby?! I'm torn. And I don't have a lot of time to figure it out. super bummed.