well it affects the way they sleep later in life. that's where it causes the spine issues. but most pediatricians don't care because by the time it's a problem, they are too old to see a pediatrician
@cherbabii, I spoke to my pediatrician and she said it was fine for him to sleep that way...she did not mention anything about his spine...he is 7 months and is perfectly healthy and mobile
how I did it was, I rolled up both sides of a flannel blanket and left just enough room in between the rolls for her to fit in. if that doesn't work, I would suggest looking for a baby wedge that helps them sleep safely
@nickysmom89, I was very scared at first...for the first 2 months or so he slept on my chest all night...and still to this day I do not sleep all night...one movement and I'm awake but that would be even if he slept on his back...I tried one of those monitors and it kept falling off because he slept on his tummy...but everybody has their own opinions on these types of matters...I spoke to my babies doctor and she said he was die to sleep that way, no worries....so I let my baby be happy and sleep comfy 😊
I put blanket bumpers on both sides of my daughter when she was really little to keep her from rolling. it also made her feel as if I was still holding her.
@levismama1988, were you scared of the whole SIDS thing? The more I research it the more confused I get. He turns his head by himself but I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened. Should I get one of those heart monitors that alerts me if his oxygen level decreases while sleeping on his tummy? Were you able to sleep thru the night with him on his tummy? @levismama1988
I went through the same thing...honestly Iv just let him sleep on his tummy cause that's what made him sleep all through the night starting at 7 weeks...I tried swaddling, he hated it, and yes when he would sleep on his back he would move and wake him self up...I gave up lol and let him have his way...he is 7 months now and still sleeps and naps on his tummy 😊