so I need this explained to me... i am 17 weeks...I went to Dr on Monday they tested my urine.. said I have plus two protein levels... so I could possibly have a urinary tract infection or the beginning signs of preeclamsia.. so get sent for in detail urine test... got results back Thursday and I'm told everything came back negative... and I'm advised to take it easy... so what I'm wondering is if everything is normal why do I have so much protein in my urine and why am I being advised to take it easy??

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The detailed urine tests was to perform a urine culture and track what bacteria, if any was present that would mean an infection. because that was negative the other reason would be you have high blood pressure so they're probably hoping by taking it easy your blood pressure stays low and the issue subsides.
13.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I also have proteins in my urine. it is a sign that preeclamsia could very well happen. Usually occurs in your last trimester. but doctors don't want you to get to that point. It occurs when you're over stressed or over work yourself. I'm not bedridden... but you might as well say I am. I am 28 weeks, and am being monitored closely because the proteins are still present, even though I am not showing preeclamsia signs yet. I'm assuming you have high blood pressure ?
13.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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