Julie Pierrepont
Julie Pierrepont
anyone been induced? What's your story? Did you get in on the day you were supposed to? What did they do fist? How long did it take?
Sunday is fast approaching and I'm getting a little nervous as don't know what to expect

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@jayden19, @jod1303 @sophiegreen, thanks for your stories guys. Hopefully they will be able to break my waters as soon as I get there pretty much and get me going X
12.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was scheduled to be induced on the 28th Jan but started contracting naturally on the 27th but when I went the hospital I was only 1cm and it stayed like that for hours so they decided to break my waters and put me on a drip to induce labour but everytime they made the drip stronger my blood pressure and heart rate went up to the point where they had to stop the drop because I had developed pre eclampsia and my organs were failing and they told me if I didn't get a csection I wouldn't make it through the night. My body didn't react well to do it at all but things could go differently for you as every labour is different xx
12.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
induced with my twins tuesday evening (pessarie) no progress. then early hours thursday they put me on the drip i was violently sick and im sure this helped my cervix dialate.went to 7 so doctor took me off about 6am gave birth to twin 1 at 10.41am. had a few complications with twin 2 he was back to back so had to be turned eventually after pushin for 39 minutes he was here but lost alot of blood and had 2 have a transfusion. but everyone is different hun. best of luck xxx
12.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I got induced with my 2nd they basically put you on a drip that goes in on the top of your hand , within 2 hours I was in labour an hour after that he was born x
12.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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