Food talk...

Question for all of you who are pregnant! I am a little over 13 weeks pregnant...on some days I eat breakfast, lunch, & dinner with a couple snacks in between & I'm fine but then other days I am constantly eating because I feel like I'm starving & I also feel exhausted! During these days I seriously feel like the baby is going through a growth spurt or something lol, but really it is so annoying when I'm trying to eat healthy amounts of food but my body wants to eat the whole house! Anyone else ever feel like this or is it just me?

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I'm always busy...super active & usually busy with my daughter! This only happens like once per week & its actual hunger where my stomach is growling! I'm a healthy eater also making sure that I consume good amounts of protein, carbs, & fat but during days like this it's like food just goes right through me! So weird, wasn't like this before I was pregnant!
12.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I noticed I eat a lot when I wasn't doing anything probably because I was just eating because I was bored. Try keeping yourself extra busy if you feel like you're over eating
12.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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