Advice Please:
My daughters are going to be 19 months apart. Anywho, as my due date gets closer, I am so worried about how my daughter is going to feel when baby gets here. She has my full attention day in and day out and I don't want her to feel left out. I do everything with her. We sit and watch cartoons and I sit in her room and play babies. While I will still do those things after baby is here... she won't have my undivided attention for much longer! What is some advice you ladies have to make the transition a easy as possible for a 18 month old who really doesn't understand the big change that is coming? It's becoming a major anxiety for me and I am super emotional about it! :'(

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Thanks mammas @kleeas1 @mira423 @reaganmommy2015 @yahuahsdaughter
I hope it goes more smooth than it does in my head! I'm so anxious about it.
12.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
dont change what you do with her. involve her when you are taking care of the baby. hold her close when you are feeding baby, put baby next to you both as you play. get one of those foam mats and lie on the floor with baby and her and play and cuddle. always involve her. also a tablet helps , that way when u are super busy she is entertained.
12.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Same situation! I've started playing with a baby doll to teach her to "be gentle" and how nice the baby is and kisses on the cheek. etc. But when it comes to your attention to the other baby and not them, I'm baffled too.
11.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
What I suggest is that get them a special gift from their new sibling something special maybe like a build a bear. It will make them feel special as well as try and start something that only includes the two of you like the park or even just reading a bedtime story before they go to sleep it doesn't have to be something huge to make them feel really special
11.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Let her help with with certain things, like passing you wipes and diaper when it's changing time. Just try to keep her involved in a lot of things when it comes to the baby. Might take a lil longer to stuff done, but it's worth it.
11.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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