I know this sounds odd. But I miss pooping and being able to make it through the day without taking a nap, puking, having a splitting headache, being able to sleep through the night and smelling everything good and bad. I know it'll be worth in the end, but 6 more months seem like forever from now 😭 sorry for the whining rant.

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Don't listen to the people that day you should always be happy or get used to it! We can rant here! Pregnancy isn't all wonderful & happiness. Sometimes it has sucky parts too but just keep thinking of the end result: your beautiful baby! That'll help a bit!
11.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
you better get used to it. hopefully you'll be lucky and it will only last thru the first trimester.. I'm 12 and a half weeks now and I finally don't puke or get those god aweful headaches! OH and if you're getting those headaches a lot 90% chance you need more water. get a bottle of water and drink it as fast as you can without getting sick while you have have a headache. I will almost promise it will go away! I had the worst headache for 5 days straight finally took my docs advice and did that and It hasn't been back since *knock on wood*
11.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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