1 1/2cm dialated and due on saturday.... finished my last day at work yesterday so now I'm just patiently (not really 😩)... waiting on my ladybug to decide to come out!!!! The suspense is KILLING me!
O. ok. well good luck hunny. Praying for an "on time" lol and safe delivery. @missalexisnicole O. yea, I understand... and you're not scaring me. Things happen!! @nichole_lynn
I finished going to work on Friday. I just stopped going 😂 they took me off the schedule a while ago and told me to come in and work if I wanted. Now I gave up. Hoping he comes soon! My dr won't induce me until 41 weeks either(: she said its best to try and wait for LO to come on his own. Which is fine with me(: she won't even sweep my membranes since I tested positive for GBS :/
Nope... but I'm ok with that.... (even though im dying inside of impatience) She's all about things happening naturally so she said that if I don't have the baby by next weekend then she will induce. So it's all up to my girl to come out. @klanc919