Kahlie mitchell
Kahlie mitchell
Have any of ya'll have second thoughts about getting your own place with your SO? We've lived separate since September of 2014, and with our taxes we were gonna get a new place, but he lives with his parents and I love with mine, we had our problems but we are tryn to fix them, and I'm now having second thoughts about living with my husband bc we have been separated for over a year, I just want what's best for my sons and idk if moving in with my husband would be the best thing right now 😰😨😨

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It honestly is making me sick from stressing out about it, and on top of that the places he's found are outside of the school district we are in currently so if have to take my son out of school and I don't like it, I mean there places that we can afford but they are in low income and he's to proud to live there and idk what to do
10.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm in the same boat. Don't know what to do :/
10.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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