If you're not able to sweat & peeing less than you normally would, yes go to hospital. But if not you're fine. I've been in & out of the hospital my whole pregnancy. They're the ones that told me that.
In my second trimester for my first I had a time where I couldn't stay off the toilet. I went to doc they gave me IV fluids. problem was solved when I walked out the door. it was so nice.
I've had alot of dehydration durning my pregnancy to the point I would pass out trying to walk, which is not good, well I got a ice tray rack and pit pedialyte or Gatorade in them with sticky clingy wrap over the top and put a couple of tooth picks or like Popsicles stick in the top into the juice and froze it. Omg, if helps with dehydration/nausea. Girl Everything, just when you feel as if you may be or becoming dehydrated just pop one out and eat it. It Helps So Much!!! @ellandmommy