PLEASE do not hate on my decision, I made this decision because it was best for MY baby, every baby is different. I can't even believe how much my baby has improved with formula. Something about the breastmilk just wasn't agreeing with him, I find it weird because breastmilk is so healthy for babies... Since switching to formula my son sleeps better at night and doesn't demand to be held when he sleeps, and doesn't even cry when he gets his diaper changes. I'm so proud of my sweet boy.

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My sister trying breastfeeding for 6 weeks and her breastmilk was starving my niece. She could drink and drink and still wasn't getting the nutrients she needed and she ended up with acid reflux. My sister gave in and started formula feeding and my niece almost immediately started imporving. Sometimes, breast is not best and all that matters is you figured out how to feed your baby and keep him healthy. Way to go mom!
10.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
It isn't bad to formula feed! As long as your baby is happy , healthy && taken care of then your being a GREAT momma.
10.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Don't worry, the hospital had my baby basically starving because she didn't wanna latch on and we couldn't get her to eat from my boobie. She dropped 2 pounds. They sent us home and we switched to formula because they would not give us any in the hospital. They kept insisting we try with the breast. The moment I gave her formula she sucked 3 bottles dry. And gained all her weight plus an extra pound back in 4 days. She loves formula and she's healthy and happy. :)
10.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
hey, momma, guess what?! all kids end up eating boogers. as long as he's fed and happy!
09.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
that's good that you were able to fix what was causing him to be uncomfortable. and sometimes breast milk isn't always best, sometimes with certain babies it doesn't agree with their stomach and can cause pain so formula is needed.
09.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
It's fine none needs 2 say anything as long as he is feed that's all that matters
09.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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