14 weeks tomorrow, still have 6 more weeks til we found out if we are expected a precious baby boy or girl. seems to far away lol... names Girl: Cerynitey Nikole Faith and for a boy havent made up our minds 100% just yet but i am leaning towards Ellis Sage. opinions? :)
@aungstc, i am to thats why i switched the spelling up of "serenity". i really wanted to go with biblical/religious names due to this being our little miracle baby, i was told three times over these past five years i couldnt have any more children, thats where i got the Cerynitey faith. thank you :)
Aww sweet, yeah I think it could go either way for you too and a wonderful way to carry daddy's name :) I like your girl name choice too I'm big on unique names!
thats beautiful for a girl, i had never thought about it. i had chose it for our boy because it is the fathers middle name. beautiful choice @aungstc :)