my baby is moving so much that its hurting my lower abdominal and my vagina.... I'm 37 weeks and 5 days could I have her at anytime?? I'm also dilated 1 1/2 cm
@paytonsmommy, ever since I've been getting weekly checks now I've been noticing it and wasn't sure if that's what it was. I never lost mine when I was pregnant with my son. I was induced at 41 weeks and still wasn't dilated. so this pregnancy is totally different to me.
@octobers_mommy, @autumn @paytonsmommy
I haven't yet to lose my mucus plug (that I know of) my husband and I have a lot of sex so not sure if I'd lose it then. but I have lots of pressure when she moves. I'm so uncomfortable I can't sleep.
me to 1 cm and shes head downbeen dropped since 35 and shes so low when it moves it hurts the only sign i have of labor is my mucus plug coming out i even had a failed induction still wouldnt dilate no more ig its on your body and baby
You could! But I'm 39+3, 4cm dilated, 80% effaced (as of Wednesday) and constantly feeling her head grinding down, but I still have absolutely no signs of labor. But everyone is different!