Lyndsie Duncan
Lyndsie Duncan
My son is 3 months old. Well he's been watching us eat and smacking a lot here lately. So I was eating a banana a few min ago and he was watching and smacking so I rubbed my finger on there until it was kinda juicy from the banana and I put some on his tongue. He started getting excited and smiling and smacking. I take it he loved it. How can I bring it up to his doctor that I think he may be ready for baby food? I mean he notices us eat, smacks, he doesn't seem to get full off of a bottle (he's hungry again in 2 MAYBE 3 hours, not to mention he spits up his bottle so I think food he might hold better. Yes we've tried meds and new formula), he can sit up assisted, etc. He just seems ready to me.

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you should be able to start solids on when is 4 months! 😄
08.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
that could be risky but if he shows signs then try BLW with the Mashed up easy foods or purees, make sure you're caught up on baby cpr too just in case.. your dr is gonna recommend rice cereal or oatmeal.. don't listen to that crap lol its over processed crap and hard on babies stomach ♡ good luck @lyndsie94
08.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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