Pap smear , pee culture , blood work , background family questions like illnesses ect.. I really hope you have a better dr than me mine literally walked in didn't say hello or anything snapped at me because I had a yeast infection. & then prescribed me meds didn't tell me she was putting me on meds or what it was for & I found out by the pharmacy. So I took them & then I found out that she prescribed me the wrong meds for my yeast infection & had to run tests to make sure my child was alright. & I was (still am) one pissed momma
At my appointment they asked me lots of questions about my health background and genetic testing. Some places will do an ultrasound to confirm how far along you are. (my place personally didn't but most places do) and blood work.
If you havent had a pap in the last year they'll probably do that & a cervical check, send you to get labs done, pee in a cup obviously, & theyll palpate your stomach & breasts. You're fully naked too. lol oh and hear babys heartbeat with doppler. This was what they did to me :)