Ok mommies, I need to RENT! I don't know if it's just me or every mommy has there's time too. So my daughter's 10 months and half and we got her a new car seat back in December (the one I really wanted), but I still don't use it, because I found it easier just to carry her in the infant car seat still (she's 17 lbs hahaha) BUT today this lady asked if I wanted to sell the travel system car seat and stroller I have for my daughter and YES, I DO, trust me, BUT I'm not ready yet :( I'm not ready to let go of it I looooooooove her car seat (it's pink and also the one I really really wanted too when I was preggos) I feel sooo emotional, I'm sooo sad to see it go, but if I don't sell it now I'm scared I'm not going to sell it later (and not planning on having kids anytime soon yet). Am I the only one that feels that way? Am I the only one that seems to have a hard time on letting it go? I cried when I was messing her, and crying now just thinking about my daughter begin so big lol I'm on denning that she's growing haha :( HELP!!!!

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not at all! I don't want a baby for 5 years and I'm keeping EVERYTHING! my mom kept everything of mine and it's been awesome she still has my infant car seat.
04.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
im having a hard time transitioning my son whos 5 months and 18 lbs to a rear facing stay in the car cardeat but i hate that he barely fits in the infant one so ik i gotta do it soon it just makes me sad bc he was so small in it when i brought him home now he barely fits
04.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I would keep it. Don't get rid of anything that your not ready for. @lianamommy
04.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I sold my daughters infant clothes and feel terrible, even though it was only a few items lol
04.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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