Okay mommies. I'm having a hard time. I can't get my daughter to bed no matter what I try. My husband doesn't help me much at all and I have just started a job. She's 7 months and I literally do everything. I bath her, feed her, change, dress and so much more. When he's home n we are going somewhere, he's dressed before I am and yet he expects me to get her dressed and yet get to the place on time. I'm always the one to blame when we r late cuz I had to dress myself and my daughter while he sits on his phone. I'm beyond tired I get sick. My husband doesn't have a job. I can't seem to do anything right. I'm depressed and breaking. Also I have no friends I can just talk to. Everyone left me
She'll sleep in her swing most of the time anymore. But she also co sleeps a lot and it makes it hard for me to get any alone time or time with my husband. She won't sleep in her own room yet either nor will she sleep most of the night