You helped a lot! I didnt know just cramping were signs so instead of just counting contractions I am now counting cramps too. Thanks again! @diamondleann
@athenasmommyytobe, I didn't have any tests and no thigh pain but my cramp like pain was about 3 mins apart so I knew something was wrong. I was in the hospital long enough to turn 25 weeks and 2 days before my son came. Before that pain started I didn't have any pain or signs I was in labor.
I had a positiver preterm labor test on Monday, do yesterday and today I had some monitoring and they did the 2 rounds of steroids shots, im having 2 or 3 contraction and hour with some cramping, and my inner thigh pain just seems to be getting worse. @starmidnite @diamondleann
I went into preterm labor at 24 weeks and some days with my 1st child.... I had what felt like off again on again cramps but nothing that made me think I was in actual labor although I was. Idk if this helps you @athenasmommyytobe
Off and on, yes I did.. If you think you're having preterm labor it might be best to go to the ER. Most of the time they can stop the labor. I waited for it to pass, and had my daughter two days later.. (Thought it was just false labor....)