@kmc29, my little man set me up for failure lol I have newborn stuff for him and he wasn't about that lol 0-3months from day1 lol whenever I get pregnant with #2 I want a big girl lol 😂
@kmc29, big boys are no joke lol @siababy @ty033116 you ladies got this!!!! The best advice I have if you want to scream while u push do it. My doc was like its a waist of energy but I didn't care once the shoulders are out the rest is cake lol
my 1st was 9 lbs 9.5 ozs and all I had was skid marks from the plunger they used to help get him out. Won't sugar coat it labor hurts like hell but it's worth it.
Me too girl lol. I would love if my baby was born March 31st that's my grandmother's birthday but I have a feeling he's gonna come a little earlier lol but I pray you have a easy delivery and a healthy baby! congrats
Of course it's going to hurt but remember your body is designed to do it and Gods gift is you don't really remember it after (at least for me) it's like nothing u will ever feel @ty033116