So excited...I have my first Dr's appointment in the morning. 14 weeks and 5 day...haven't been pregnant in 4 years what should I expect?...cause I definitely don't remember.
Thats the one thing I miss about my old doctor...I had multiple 3dand 4d ultrasounds there that was payed by my insurance.... I don't even remember getting a print out of my ultrasound with my last pregnancy at this one....I'm just so ready to see the baby and hear a heartbeat finally....I'll be 14 wks and 5 day tomorrow and have absolutely nothing but morning sickness and a pudge so far lol @jp117
Probably still the same stuff! The baby will actually look more like a human on your ultrasound though which is exciting! My first ultrasound at 8 weeks she was just a little blob on the monitor. But I went to a pay out of pocket 4D ultrasound place at 15 weeks to find out the gender and you can see so much more on the ultrasound :)
I was supposed to have one Dec. 31 but I got stranded out of town so I couldn't make it. I made it back home on Jan. 7 and called... the 1st was the soonest they had something available... so now that I. past the 8-10 week mark I have no clue what all will be done tomorrow @jp117
My dr office does the first appt at 8 weeks- but they did a pap, urine sample, took blood and ultrasound, then scheduled my next appt for the anatomy scan.