things are getting hard with me and bd were not together anymore...and we stay in different places now..we argue all the time I cry all the time ..I've never lied and I've never cheated but he has so out of angers I say some harsh things and I get blasted by him..I get ridiculed and told I'm riding this pregnancy as a excuse for everything..which I'd never do that I've told bd he can go about his way and let us be..since he feels I'm using this pregnancy I've never. felt so low ..I've never been so hurt...the joy of pregnancy has been ruined and I try to see the beauty in it but I heart is broken cause I feel like he doesn't want to be here ..just had a panic attack from an argument we had sick tmi but threw up ..and now I'm here stuck in my tears..what's sad is I really love this man but my heart is damaged ..I still want to forgive and see where our future goea..but he's hurt me so bad...I don't really know.....never thought I'd be bringing a child into the world into a broken home...but I guess this is the end result...somebody pray for me..