How did you guys transition baby to crib? I have a 5 year old and I co slept with him & he refused to sleep in his own bed, still does! Lol. But I have a 5 month old who sleeps next to me in a rock n play. But she's learning to sit up. Our routine starts about 8pm. I do baths for both kids about every other night. But to get her to sleep I rock her, I have a little minion that lights up and sings. I turn that on, give her a bottle and she falls asleep like that. So should I continue that then once she falls asleep try laying her in her crib??

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@ciaramarie311, they say it's not safe to but they tell you to swaddle infants. I do wrap the mattress in the blanket I got Zy for Christmas cause it is a little thick and soft..but I make sure I put her in a footies pj and might put one to her waist most times I don't because of the SIDS scare too.
31.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@jyarborough30, @katienkaden the big question, lol. Do you guys put your baby to bed with a blanket? I usually wrap my daughter up with her fav fleece blanket. I'm terrified of sids!! Right now she has a really stuffy nose so I think I'm going to try for the crib once her nose isn't so stuffed and she can breathe a bit better.
31.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
When I put my son down with his eyes close, he opens them slightly to see if I'm still around and if he sees me he'll go back to sleep but if he doesn't see me he doesn't go to sleep
31.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
And one mom had a great idea to lay your hand on baby while in crib and softly rock them..she'll play for a little while but eventually will fall asleep. We are doing very well in transitional stage, just don't do what I did before and say forget for a few nights cause then it's like starting all over again.
31.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yes, just keep laying her back in the crib
31.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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