I'm not trying to start up anything and I will not debate sheer ignorance. Point blank. I keep seeing posts of people perpetuating the myth that babies move less towards the end of pregnancy. ITS NOT TRUE. Pay attention and be aware. The movement becomes DIFFERENT not LESS. Don't let what happened to me and my daughter happen to you because you listened to the under-informed. This is a small excerpt from a long well-researched letter a loss mom friend of mine wrote and sent to the American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecologists calling them out on their bullshit and the myths they perpetuate out of laziness. I can't copy and paste the link to the letter directly but if you would like to read it, send me a DM and I'll link you to it. It's full of a ton of information that should really make you think and load you with questions for your healthcare provider. /end rant ✌🏻️
@Jennatess I come on occasionally for the LOLs and eye rolls. Sometimes I want to comment on posts with legitimate intelligent advice but decide its probably futile anyway so I just keep scrolling on to shit like "my dad delivered my baby because my boyfriend wasn't there in time" 🙄