well tomorrow I'm being induced and my baby girl should be here sometime Sunday night or Monday if anyone has ever been induced please feel feel to tell me how it when its my first child and I'm very nervous
Sorry for the long post but here's my experiences with inducing.
I've been induced three times and none were too horrible. My water broke with my first so they induced with pitocin at 34 weeks. I was in labor for 18 hours and pushed for 45 minutes no epideral and tore a little. The worst part was by far the stitches for the tearing. I had an abruption at 38 weeks with my second and was induced with pitocin labored for 15 hours only 30 minutes of pushing. I had an epideral around 7cm which made it so much easier. I had another abruption with my third at 35 weeks and I had a Foley bulb to start with and hated it but it got me from 1 to 3 or 4cm in about 3 hours. They started pitocin right after the bulb came out and my water broke 10 hours later and I started pushing right after and it only took 3 pushes. I had an epideral that time too but the first didn't work and the second I still had spots I could feel but still wasn't horrible. The worst part of pitocin is not being able to eat or drink while it's going. They stopped my drip about half way through for 30 minutes so I could drink some and have jello but that's it. I plan on being induced this time at 37 weeks unless he comes sooner or I have to have a c section. Good Luck!
I had my son all natural no meds he came on his own water broke at home ..I had my daughter induced 2 weeks early and I am gonna tell you this baby I'm pregnant with I pray I don't get induced I was miserable