@latrezmommyfeb15, like u said everybody different people problem is they take too much or early on on the pregnancy .. my cousin just took sum last weekend around 12am baby was here around 8 am thats how fast it worked she also walked baby was healthy 7lbs n change . those are my plans for this weekend ..different strokes for different folks just stating my opinion
Post like this really bothers me . If I were you I would really read @tayek hashtags. You now know the warnings and the risks if you still choose to do it and something happens to your child that is something you will have to live with for the rest of your life .
Everyone has their own opinions on stuff. But i think you should wait hun. I feel how desperate you are to take him out. I am too ! Im due the 11 & i cant just take it. Ive tought of trying to natrually induce myself with pineapple & other crazy myths they say works. But i realized there were risks to it. Not just for me but for the baby. Ilove my baby i couldnt imagine what he woukd go through if the castor oil and oj went bad. But its up to you. Just be careful ❤️❤️❤️
Am Due Any day Now I can't work have to leave work early I can't take this coming and going pain am ready for it to be over the doc said he look good he is healthy he needs to come
Just gotta hang in there mama. Baby knows when he needs to be born. When his body is fully developed then he will start his labor🙂. I know it's not easy...... But you've came this far. A few more weeks will be okay
Your baby can actually pass away from it. Well not the castor oil itself but like I said from the bowel movement. All castor oil does is run you off. It's like stool softener and can give you diarrhea. The dehydration from the diarrhea is what causes false contractions and can put stress on your baby
Be careful with that castor oil especially mixing it with oj. Both will run you off which can caus the baby to have a bowel movement while in utero as well. And that is not a good situation for the baby to be in especially if they swallow some.