well my daughter won't latch correctly and I blame giving her a bottle to soon. twice in a day I swear changed it. anyways. I've been pumping with every feeding and have extra now so at least she's getting it in her system. And she's back at her birth weight after 6 days which impressed the doctor today. #freyalynne #6daysold #9lbs2oz
@kitkat1015 whaaat?! they gotta have one! call LA Leche league! don't give up! I know it's frustrating, for both of you! but keep shoving ur boob in her mouth! lol squeeze a little milk on her bottom lip and when she opens wides...goooo! lol
@rosalinasmami, I don't think I have any in the area. they got rid of the one in the hospital. She's just so stubborn. I get her to open her mouth and go down then she suddenly starts closing her mouth and starts that way practically tearing me a part, and only getting an ounce if that. then I pump and get a ton out. ugh...