Alright ladies. I need help. Badly. My son will be two tomorrow (ππ) but he is so violent. He thinks its ok to hit me, throw things at me, slam me in doors, he laughs at me when I tell him no and trys so hard to physically hurt me. He even pulled a dresser drawer out on my foot and now it is swollen and black and blue. I think he re broke something I had broke by a horse. I've had horses step on me and it hasn't bothered me. (he is like this with others too. Adults and children). Time out doesn't work, explaining why its bad doesn't hurt, I even tried a spanking one time and that didn't work. He went right back and did it again. People tell me his just being a kid but for a two year old I think that's a little wrong. No violent play, no violent movies, nothing like that. I can not figure out where he learned this behavior. Any ideas