wow they sent you home, when I was 2-3 cm they kept me in but then again my contractions were every minute and had him within 4 hours of waters braking.:/ felt so blessed specially being my first x
Yeah definitely wouldn't worry I was the opposite way round my contractions came first then waters 10hrs later 😂 sounds like he's definitely ready to make an appearance soon.. And yes.. Definitely enjoy the last part of being baby free! 😂 xx
Im going to rest a bit now and then maybe go on the ball for a bit 🔵. Suppose your right waters have broke naturally so i shouldnt worry for all i know he might be here on his own ! X @emmajo @tuftyturtle
I wouldn't worry. I would use this time to relax and get some rest. If you're waters have broken naturally he's clearly preparing to make an entrance so induction will be fine ! I've had natural labour where my waters went first and an induction. The contraction pain wasn't any worse when I was induced, it was just a much quicker labour! so don't worry about being induced. relax and enjoy your last baby free day /hours x
Haha, try doing so indoor star jumps and jogging on the spot, at least comfort of your own home so you can change pad and clothes after lol.. Fingers crossed it goes naturally! Sounds like you're on your way! Xx