My pedi and lactation consultant told me that I could have 1 cup of coffee a day because the caffeine does actually make it to the milk and more then that and I'd be giving her a caffeine boost. I don't normally even drink coffee. Had one cup and she was up for like 6 hours, wasn't gassy or anything just awake and tired. Also I had Indian food and it didn't do anything to my little lady no reaction.
The downside to breastfeeding, still gotta watch certain things you eat...stay away from Indian food btw, learned that real quick when baby girl had the runs for three days straight 😱😵
I know...I'm so sad😭 I didn't drink any caffeine my whole pregnancy and couldn't wait to start again, but i think I'm gonna have to cut it out for little mans sake😪
My girl was the same, I drank too much coffee (Starbucks messed up my order and gave my coffee in my drink when I asked for none) and she was extra gassy and seemed like she didn't feel good all that day afterwards....
Unfortunately yes, he could be having adverse reaction to the caffeine....which sucks cuz it means you probably have to limit caffeine intake still 😔😪 lol
Ok that's kinda what I was wondering...the last couple days I started drinking coffee in the mornings and my son has been having some diarrhea and extra fussy. I'm starting to think it must be the coffee. @hellosweetie
It doesn't effect supply, but it can sometimes make baby irritable or cause gas....some don't seem to be effected, but it's kinda just trial and error to see how your baby will handle it and how much 😜
my dietician told me that you can have coffee like you did before baby & sushi, the works & it won't affect your breast milk or it's supply. supply comes from it's demand the more you nurse/pump the more you'll body keep producing