jacquelyn drain
jacquelyn drain
I'm having a meltdown this postpartum shit is hitting me hard , I'm very overwhelmed with all this like taking care of a baby is not a easy job but according to my husband since he works his jobs harder then mine ... when I'm the one that has to breast pump every two to three hours and makes sure she's bathed and has clean clothes on and make sure she's comfortable like being a mother is not easy at all . I said I was overwhelmed I didn't say I was over whelmed because of having her but to him that's what his ears heard . he comes home from work and watches TV. he doesn't wake up in between the night to feed her or change her diaper or put her to sleep and his job is his excuse. Yeah he works to pay for our bills and our house and I appreciate that so so so much but I'm the one taking care of your daughter.

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I've already tried
29.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
You should talk to him. on his day off if give the baby to him a full 24 hours so he can understand you. You just do the pumping since he obviously cant and remind him your saving him the work of pumping. My bf wouldnt believe me til he finally did it he didnt even last 4 hours now on his days off hell help mefor 2 hours just to catch up on sleep or hell feed him, change his diaper and help me clean
29.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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