@krstokes2016, @amazing2014 @amanda_turner @ce095 @carmanbaby @teamblue040416. I took a clear blue digital test. It came back negative. My breast are killing me. No sign of aunt flow
@martinamoises, you can wait a few days but there is a line there lol I would go get blood work done tomorrow!!! omg I'm so happy for you! maybe because that was my exact reaction! I for sure see a line! 😊😁😙 you're freaking pregnant! do a happy dance lol I wouldn't get you pumped if I wasn't for sure!
omg you're freaking pregnant!!! mine did the same thing with a blue test and I couldn't believe it! I was like 2-3 weeks. you are probably 3-4 weeks :) congrats! oh and even my obg told me there is no such thing as a false positive test and that is for sure a second line!!!!
@martinamoises, if you skip testing tomorrow and test saturday or sunday it should show up darker hopefully to where your not questioning. the other tests i used was the clear blue and before with my twins i used the first response. to me those pick up the hormone sooner so they turn dark quicker...about $7 to $12 depending on what pack you get.