ok so ladies my baby will be 4 months on the 30th and I have almost completely stopped breast feeding just because I'm always on the go, so I've only been pumping once at night and get maybe an ounce from both boobs. Should I give it up or should I keep going, if I keep going I don't know how I'll get my milk supply up from 1 ounce :(
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Also try power pumping if you don't have a lot of time to pump. It's basically tricking your body into thinking baby is going thru a growth spurt. You pump for 10 min. Rest for 10 mins. You do this for an hour straight maybe 2-3 times a day

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Also try power pumping if you don't have a lot of time to pump. It's basically tricking your body into thinking baby is going thru a growth spurt. You pump for 10 min. Rest for 10 mins. You do this for an hour straight maybe 2-3 times a day

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It read it's more efficient to combine fenugreek with blessed thristle to increase milk supply. Also I've been drinking a herbal tea called mothers milk it's def. helped me increase my supply.

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np. I took them when I was breastfeeding my first son and I could pump 6 oz in 15 20mins @pinkanitra

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and I just read about those the day before yesterday I think I'm goin to try them thanks @billyandtabbi

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you can take fenugreek capsules. they help to increase your milk production. you can get a big bottle at vitamin world for like $10 @pinkanitra

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thank you so much as bad as I hate the time it takes to pump and wanted to stop...now that I'm barely doing it I feel bad for not breastfeeding her as much @kmally

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You can definitely up your supply and relactate. You'll have to pump a lot more often--ideally as often as baby would eat. Check out kellymom.com and look up some more about increasing pumping output and relactating it's an awesome resource!

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