My sister went in and had that done with her first, and literally right afterwards her water broke haha. She went from the appointment to the hospital! 😂
@pigletsmom, it didn't really hurt, just a little uncomfortable. I'm already dilated 3cm as well and 90%. Been that way for over a week so doc did it today to try and move things along. Also lost my mucus plug this morning but that was before my appt!
i had it done at 38 weeks it didn't do much but cause me more pelvic pain and i dilated 1 more cm this time I'm 39 weeks and it seems to be working i lost my plug I'm already 3cm its uncomfortable and kind of painful to me but its worth it @pigletsmom
Did it hurt ? Ima ask to get mines at my next appointment I'll b 39 weeks && so far I'm not dilated just my cervix is thinning && I really don't want to be induced