I don't get how I can go from not being anemic during pregnancy, to being severely anemic during . it makes no sense to me. i wasn't anemic with my son.
that you can bleed out and the baby can be born anemic or small my first son was born anemic and small because of it they gave him iron drops for the first 6-8 months
wow and yes being anemic is considered high risk specially if your blood count is lower than it should be. they say its very dangerous for mom and baby.
see, I had a ectopic pregnancy last year and I had to have the shot in both hips and now I'm pregnant again. I have had all blood work done and everything came out fine , but apparently I have to go to a high risk ob to get on medication for it... I didn't know anemic was considered high risk during pregnancy.. or maybe they are seeing me because of the ectopic pregnancy.. @lovelycin09
yea the baby takes all the vitamins and iron from you i was anemic with my first and now severely anemic with my second and iron pills aren't working so they starting to give me Iron injections 3x a week and after birth.
9 lbs 4oz. I hope the rest of this pregnancy goes good