Formula Question: Do any other mothers know a formula that helps prevent spitting up or at least reduces spitting up? I have tried 3 different formulas and I am still not satisfied.
@mika107, that's what the doctor said, you just mix it with the old formula at first and slowly ease more and more of the nutramigen in to it. however my baby is weird and eats anything and I didn't even mix it. she loved it. however it does SMELL so bad lol smelly gas, smelly burps, and smelly poop. but it's a life saver. she is a completely different baby since we switched her. it's pricey but so worth it
@mika107, yeah I'm using Gentlease right now, but my LO started spitting that up recently and has been fussy eating, but I have to wait to switch again sense I just switched not to long ago.