Yep when I do cook I make a bunch of different things and a lot of it lol that way I don't have to cook again. So I can munch all day. And even if I don't wipe it all out my babies do 😋 It's only me my hubby & our 2 year old daughter but you'd think I had a family of 8 with how they eat lol so even when I over cook someone ends up eating it.
Hahaha, baby is growing! Trust me I feel like I do too. Well some days, and other days like today.. That was only my second meal. But .. I'm not one to be able to go to sleep when hungry :/. @hannahbanana
He's a little fatty haha. I feel like I eat so much 😕 @candacelouise
I know right! if I wasn't pregnant I'd probably cook, but I'm too exhausted all the time to make myself anything 😔😫 @momma312