@suddymaya, Yesss my hubby went healthy food yesterday I started today I had a small piece of pie🙊 my lo is only 9 days old so I'm trying to adjust with all this but I am determined💪🏼 I live in south Florida. Bathing suit mom body is a must! Lol
@abella1023 yea fruits and veggies too. I start my day with a smoothie which helps me stay on track. I'm not perfect though...still had 2 cookies today but that's not too bad
It probably depends on what you're eating- I haven't changed my diet at all and that's probably fighting against me in the weight loss department. My son is 4 months old, but he's a preemie so he's 19 weeks old, but he would only be 8 weeks old if he came on time. He has been breastfed since we left the nicu 12 weeks ago- I exclusively pumped while he was in the nicu... Didn't lose any weight pumping either.
@kimberlyyyy, it's crazy! I'm like omg I thought BF was supposed to help loose weight😂😂😂 smh. But I got to try to crave healthy stuff only lol how old is your LO?
I've given up on trying to lose weight. I eat so much more than I did when I was pregnant. I figure it's worth it for now. Once baby is off the boob I will be working my booty off!! Until then, I'm a slave to my tiny guy. 😂