I will never understand why females fake pregnancy. I don't get the point? Just because you want the attention? and on top of that afterwards you have to fake a miscarriage, which to me is even worse. woman who are and actually have been pregnant know your lying so your just making yourself look stupid and offending ppl who have actually had to deal with the loss of a baby/child! it's very insensitive!!

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I feel this post there's a girl on here that her profile went from saying 12 weeks to 14 weeks n I'm like wait how u did a 2 week jump ain't know way u just go from 12 weeks to 14 when 2 days ago u was just saying u was 12 n I asked how u found out the sex of if baby so early some ppl just like attention I guess
26.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I couldn't agree more and to top it oh your "pregnant now" but have faked 5 miscarriages and a so called "6 month old baby" that you lost due to SIDS!! Not only is it wrong point blank to even fake a pregnancy but also the miscarriages to boot for what attention!! Absolutely not cute. 1 for someone that has had 5 miscarriages your high risk and should have ALOT OF ULTRASOUNDS AND PICTURES TO PROVE IT! But yet only have 1 picture out of all of these "pregnancies" let's not forget the 6 month old baby you LOST to sids with absolutely no pictures of this baby at all!! Like seriously, the amount of pictures I have of my babies 9,5,2 & 4 months pretty much document each day of their lives but yet you have no pictures of this baby you lost!!? that's a huge slap in the face to not only women that can't get pregnant, also women who have gotten pregnant and sadly experienced real loss and pain of losing a baby during pregnancy and another slap in the damn face to parents who have actually lost a baby to SIDS. The shit I have read on people's profiles who we all know are faking pregnancies make me sick. Along side when you're faking these pregnancies and belly pictures you're sharing pictures from being 5 weeks pregnant with s bump and claiming you're having twins 🙅🏽💁🏽 wtf was your life so horrible to fake pregnancies, miscarriages and even a 6 month old baby to just get attention. I know one person on here in particular that I got this exact story from but yet will go blue in the face claiming that these are all true. People make me sick! Thank you for posting this! I had to let this all out lol cause it has been driving me crazy since I came across their profile and going back reading about their "pregnancy" doesn't make sense at all! I was born at night but not last night. No one is that naïve to even believe any of those bullshit stories. Oh let's not forget about this person constantly posting about partying, being abused by her boyfriend and not having any food in their house. If you can't even feed yourself how do you expect to take care of a baby. Oh yeah that's right cause there actually is no baby. I could go on and on. When I was pregnant with my babies I hated reading or even saying the word of miscarriage! Sorry this subject obviously tweaks me
26.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I mean I understand you want to be pregnant but faking it won't help or make you feel like you're pregnant . You want a baby that bad you better start doing things behind closed doors or if it doesn't work that way talk to a doctor I mean come on . It makes no sense .
26.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
seriously I feel like there has to be something really wrong with someone who needs attention that badly! @jillmichelle @firstbabybump
26.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
agreed 💯, that's just plain awful.
26.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
You are so right . Why would you even want to say you had a miscarriage you know . Smh sad people in this world
26.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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