I have such a bad feeling about today my husband and I got into the biggest fight last night it just irritates me that he doesn't take initiative to help with the baby I we both work and I get it he gets tired but I seriously can't do everything!!! am I wrong to get upset? idk its been just so stressful these last couple of weeks and I feel as though we're drifting apart my feelings for him are just dissolving with the stuff he pulls but I do love him so much... sorry for the rant mommas

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I felt like that the first few weeks after we brought our daughter home . He would just come home from work get drunk and play video games . Helping me minimally . He even took a week off of work but I was the one cleaning up . I texted him while he was out because we kept getting into arguments and told him that I was tired and I don't get a break and it's not fair for him to get to relax when I rarely get the chance to . After that he came around . He has stayed up a few times and let me sleep through a feeding . It's getting better . Just let him know how you feel . Let him know just because you don't go out and work does not mean you are not working at home . Good luck .
26.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I think that a lot of times men don't realize how big of a responsibility we have as women. They for some reason get to be tired after work but we have to come home cook dinner, clean house, take care of the children, and do it all over again tomorrow. I promise its not just your husband. You guys have to sit down and have a really serious talk with each other and not at each other. And if and when you feel it starting to get out of control just remove yourself. Tell him I don't want to argue so I'm gonna walk away for now. We can talk later.
26.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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