has anyone takin metformin? I don't have periods so my doctor did blood work and prescribed it to me. wife is pregnant but am hoping to carry next child. did it help?
@emmettsmommies, @hermommy, the metformin will help regulate the insulin which should allow your body to menstate more regularly the other drugs you named are given when metformin alone don't work or there's another underlying cause.. @aldensmommy she's right but people with PCOS are what we call insulin resistant not nessissarily diabetic
Oh lol yeah that's a first I hear of usually my pts take it for diabetes but that's new ha.. Anyways congrats on the baby on the way and good luck ☺️ @emmettsmommies
no i didnt, I have PCOS, but metformin isn't for a period and will not regulate your cycle it regulates ovulation . you need a drug like provera to regulate your cycle... with both of those I was pregnant in a month@emmettsmommies