being a mom is the best feeling in the world :) I had my son when I was 19 I mean it was scary cuz I was so young and I knew I was going to be a single mom but I did it he is now 3 and n preschool and I'm so proud of him but being a mom is exhausting but so worth it. it doesn't help that I am 17 weeks pregnant with my second child but I'm excited to me a mom to two kids :) my son Kashawn is really excited but like i said being a mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me I love my son and this baby boy or girl soo much and if anything ever happened to my kids id die cuz they r my world my rock they r what keep me going everyday :) it does get stressful if you're the only parent but I've been raiding my son since I was 19 his dad doesnt live in ks but if you're going to be the only parent it's ok it's worth the stress tiredness and lack of cleaning lol I'm just glad to see my son happy and healthy :) someone else can probably explain more about what it's like being a mom better than I can lol