Been snowed in all day with my fiancé and apparently the TV and Xbox are way more important than me and his daughter 😑 He didn't even shovel out the car in case we did have to go to the hospital 😤 I understand he works hard but damn, he can't ever just spend some time with me without being worried about his damn game

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@naomiedgd, sounds cool, I'll try 😊❤ ty again
24.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@el416, awh, I'm sorry. are you guys a sarcastic and playful couple? if so, try to challenge him to spend time with you for 30 minutes. make it a game. I really hope it works out for you. you're welcome btw :)
24.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@naomiedgd, thanks girl we've tried it before but it didn't work (I even upgraded it by buying him his Xbox1 & games for his birthday). I typically try not to let it bother me but I just thought it was a little messed up. we barely see each other bc of our conflicting work and college schedules so I thought this wknd would be different. 😕
24.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I know you didn't ask for advice but just in case here ya go :) I struggled with my boyfriend not paying much attention to me over a game as well
I started out by telling him I wanted him to pay more attention to me, didn't work. I got frustrated and shut off his game one time, he got pissed. Then, I just asked if I could play.. he let me. He helped me figure it out and get good at it and we bonded together on it and it even helped me out to where he likes to get off and do other stuff with me. Maybe you should try that. good luck c:
24.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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