@brittann94, yea it wouldn't come down...they tried to have me wait til I was 37 weeks but then my blood sugars started dropping so they took him. they wanted me to tie my tubes I said no. hoping my next isn't as bad :/
went in at my 36 week appointment for high risk...got admitted due to my BP being 175/105...the next day I was induced...he got stuck so she had to shove half her arm in me to turn and move him...he pooped in me...ripped me up and down, sideways, and my one lip in half...he got taken to nicu, then flown to children's hospital...got discharged then went there...then got admitted to PENN hospital next to him because I ripped my stitches open and had to have them re done....
not sure if it counts as crazy... but maybe a little. Was induced via pitocin at 41wks. I was almost at 4cm dilated, and 80% effaced going in. Was admitted 6/24/14 at 9:30pm. Went all day the next day with no progress, still nothing. Finally found which drip worked for me. A 10. Finally got things started a little after 2pm 6/26. By 5pm, I was in active labor. By 7:30pm it was time to push. Dd was born vaginally without an epidural at 9:21pm 6/26. Almost 48hrs after induction had started